🌻 本月節氣
立秋 Beginning of Autumn 2023/8/8
處暑 End of Heat 2023/8/23
🌻 本月節日
父親節 Father's Day 2023/8/8
中元節 Ghost Festival 2023/8/30. 31 店休二日!
Ghost Festival
The seventh lunar month is traditionally regarded as Ghost Month, which is why The Ghost Festival is celebrated on its 15th day. It’s a blend of Taoist and Buddhist beliefs and rituals. Since ancient times, Taiwanese people have believed that the gates of hell open up on the day of the festival, so people do things like releasing water lanterns, burning incense and joss paper, and making food offerings to honor the spirits of the deceased.
2023癸卯鷄籠中元祭 Zhongyuan Pu Du
活動時間:8/15 (二) 至 9/15 (五)
開龕門 8/16 (三) 14:00 開基老大公廟 Laodagong temple
開燈放彩 8/27 (日) 18:00 主普壇 main salvation altar
迎斗燈 8/28 (一) 14:00 基隆市區、慶安宮 Qing’an Temple
放水燈遊行 8/29 (二) 19:00 基隆市區 Keelung City center 施放水燈頭 8/29 (二) 23:00 八斗子望海巷 Badouzi Wanghaixiang
中元普度 8/30 (三) 19:00 主普壇 main salvation altar
關龕門 9/15 (五) 17:00 開基老大公廟 Laodagong temple
The Keelung Mid-summer Ghost Festival began 1855. So far 160 years has passed. The ones with 11 surnames of Chang Liao Chien, Wu, Liu Tang She, Chen Hu Yao, Hsieh, Lin, Chiang, Cheng, Ho Lan Han, Lai, Hsu took turns on duty for main salvation according to the order from drawing lots. In 1954 the ones with surnames of Li, Kuo, Wang, Yang Tseng, Huang, Ko Tsai, Chiu, Su Chou Lien, Chung Hsiao Yeh, Pai, Yu Hsu Hsu, Tung Tung formed joint surnames to join the ranks of the main salvation and became twelve units, taking turns for main salvation. Afterward in 1981 three surnames of Kuo, Li, Huang among the joint surnames detached from the joint surname association and the current fifteen units came about. Starting from opening of shrine door in Laodagong temple on July 1 in the lunar calendar, going through turning on lights and illuminating the main salvation altar on the 12th, on the 13th greeting bucket light procession and praying for blessing, on the fourteenth release of water lanterns and parade, release of water lanterns at the seaside and on the 15th public and private salvation, Zhongkui dance, shutting the shrine door on August 1, the activity time of Mid-summer Ghost Festival is up to one month.
資料摘錄: 基隆市文化局 Keelung City Cultural Affairs Bureau
🌻 店休日預告
2023 / 8月公休預定日 8/4、8/11、8/18、8/25、8/30、8/31
